Which way is this silhouette rotating? I've been told it's an optical illusion and it's always moving clockwise.

I was also told if you see it counterclockwise, you're more scientific; otherwise, you're more artistic/creative.

Most of the time I see the silhouette moving counterclockwise. How about you?

If you didn't already know, you will have to double click the picture to get the animation.

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  1. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I only see it's rotating counterclockwise.. but my hubby thinks it changes sometimes to clockwise... duh!!! am i blind? :)

  2. No, you're not blind. :) It's just the way the brain perceives it. Some of my friends see it rotating clockwise while I "see" counter.

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I don't see it moving either way! I see it moving both way I guess...hard to say.

  4. warriorblog, that's a different twist. I see it shifting directions, too, but predominantly counter.

  5. Anonymous9:49 PM

    That's weird. I skimmed your post, clicked on the image and then saw it moving counter-clockwise. Then went back to your post, re-read it and when I clicked on the image again, it was moving clockwise!

    Very cool optical illusion. I think I'm both scientific and creative which may explain it. I wonder what Einstein would see? I would guess both directions as anyone who would visualize riding a cart chasing a point of light to figure out that the speed of light was always constant must have a bit of poet in him.


  6. msq, it would be very interesting to know what Mr. Einstein "sees."

  7. I see it rotating counterclockwise, Roy. My eyes were on the feet of the image and tried to look for clues about its movement ha ha ha...d

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