Mother of all Clocks
I think this is a pretty cool web find. It is the Mother of all Clocks. I think there are about 50 or so clocks. But I am surprised someone actually took the time to put it together. At any rate, it is an interesting find. Check it out.
4Jay Leno's Garage - Making Parts
Amazing NextEngine's 3D scanner technology applied to the real world.
This is an interesting piece of machinery and it is explained in a matter of 8 minutes! It's all MADE IN THE USA!!! Give it a good look. Some of you might even have reason to buy and use this equipment.
Country IP Blocks - Allow a Country or Block a Country
This is a pretty interesting find. Per their website, Country IP Blocks, they offer Network Data in 7 Separate Formats: CIDR, Netmask, .htaccess deny, .htaccess allow, IP Range, Decimal/CIDR* and Hexadecimal/CIDR. You are in control of who or what accesses your website or servers.
8An interesting subliminal image
My Korean-American friend asked me to stare at this image for about thirty seconds. He did not mention what I should see but he did look quite surprised after his 3-step experience. After thirty seconds, he asked me to look above the monitor and then he asked me what I saw.
2Handy Online Calculators and Converters
I found this site,, while searching for a RGB to HEX calculator. I was really surprised to see that the site had a number of handy online calculators and converters.
2FreeHostia - Outgoing Connections Support to be Discontinued
Apparently, I created an account with these guys awhile ago. I probably used it to promote (not host) when I launched it almost 2 years ago.
4Free Streaming Video Software - Screen Recorder
For a particular task, I needed to capture a sequence of screen clicks. I decided to "google" for an opensource screen recorder. After a brief search, I found and tried a few but CamStudio's freeware application seemed to fit the bill.
1Useful Google Talk Bots From
Here is a useful article from about Google talk bots. Here are 7 cool things you can do with the Google Talk's "virtual friends" or bots. I found #5 (Translation), #6 (Setting up reminders) and #7 (Transliteration) useful.
Interesting web find - arul john's utilities site
I found this web find called arul john's utilities site. It is a very handy site to use for IP lookups, telephone tracking, MAC address lookup, IP/CIDR subnet, IP to hostname and viewing HTTP headers. After reviewing a bit more, I noticed there is even a Bible verse lookup.
3The world's oldest Internet blogger, Ms. Olive Riley, has passed away
The world's oldest Internet blogger, Ms. Olive Riley, has passed away on July 12, 2008. She was a 108 years old Australian but young in heart and mind and an inspiration to all bloggers from all age groups and all walks of life.
In her final post on June 26, Ms.
A Dummies Guide to Blogspot or Blogger Platform
Here is a great resource, Tips for New Bloggers, for bloggers who use the Blogger platform. This resource is one of the most popular sites on my top list, It is a bit aged but still a worthwhile visit.
1How much is my website worth?
Here is an interesting website I found via It gives you a rough estimate of what your site might be worth.
411 Rules Graduates Did Not Learn in School
I received this a couple of days ago from a colleague via email. I think most of the "rules" are on target whether they came from Mr. Gates or not.
In a speech that Bill Gates gave to a high school graduating class, he spoke
about 11 Rules that the graduates did not learn in school.
Rule 1.
20 Top Blog Directories on the Internet
Here is my listing of 20 top blog directories. They range from Page Rank 8 to Page Rank 4. Most of these blog directories will require you to register before listing your blog.
PR 8 Blog Directories
Technorati is a search engine for blogs. It lists and indexes millions of blogs each day.
Find out who are Your IP Neighbors
For a couple of my sites, I use shared hosting. I noticed that one of my sites was sluggish and I suspected that there were too many websites or IP neighbors on the host server.
3This Might be a Promising Way to Treat Cancer
Here is a video from 60 Minutes about an interesting man named John Kanzius, who himself is inflicted with leukemia. He may have have found a promising way to treat cancers such as pancreas, lymphomas, breast, colon, liver, leukemia and etc.
Here is an excerpt of an article by
Play the Sudoku Online Game
Play the popular Sudoku game. The level of difficulty ranges from easy, medium, hard to evil. I'm starting on easy.
1Adobe Photoshop Express Beta
You can now spruce up those pictures on your website or blog. Adobe has come out with Photoshop Express. It is a web based version which makes it very convenient.
25 Things You Never Knew Your Cell Phone Could Do
I recently received these tips via email but unsure if they are true (urban legends??), but they might be worth investigating.
There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.
Securely Send and Receive Large Files
SendThisFile is a web find that will allow you send to and receive large files such as movies, presentations, photos, etc. from anyone and anywhere. I have used the service a few times for files that exceeded my email capability, which is usually 10MB.
I used their free plan.
VOIP Adapter for $20 per year
A colleague of mine sent me this web find.
This is a pretty cool device. This small adapter just plugs into your USB port and then connect as standard telephone to the RJ-11 port and then you can call anyone in the US and Canada free anytime.
Is There a Google Page Rank Update Going on?
I think Google is in the progress of doing a Page Rank update. I inadvertently noticed a few sites have improved their ranking by one or decreased by one.
Gotta Digg DOT Com Song by Kina
Usually, I don’t like watching YouTube videos because I think most of them are made by people who have way too much idle time on their hands -- waste of time. However, I saw this embedded YouTube video on the popular weblog TechCrunch and decided to play it.
3Is Your Email Message a Scam?
If you received a suspected email scam, you should use this site’s scam buster software program. It allows you to cut and paste an email message or multiple email messages into one form. Its software program will determine if the email/emails is/are a known scam.
Determine the Number of Keyword or Key Phrase Searches
Frankly speaking, it is a fairly difficult task to generate traffic to a new website. But there is one methodical way of doing it. It is the employment of keywords or key phrases in content that is unique and well developed.
1Free Email Signature Generator
If you want to prevent robots from harvesting your email address, you can use this tool to generate an image with your email address. I have used it on a couple sites and noticed a considerable drop in spam. I am hoping over time this trend will continue.
Popular websites/blogs have dropped page rank
Some major websites/blogs have gone down in their page rank. There's going to be a lot of speculation as to why these sites were dropped. And needless to say, the discussions will be interesting.
Here are some popular sites that have gone down in Page Rank.
Military service rivalry and humor
Here's a dig/joke from a friend of mine via email. He's an Air Force member and he knows I was in the Army at one time--about a decade ago. Anyways, I thought it was humorous.
There's an Air Force guy driving from McChord to Ft Lewis, and an Army guy driving from Ft Lewis to McChord.
Check Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) for your URL
Shoemoney has a useful tool to check your Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) for Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Alta Vista. See how your URL ranks for certain terms. Here's the SERP utility page.
1Removal from Google's Index
Yesterday, I received an email from Google regarding some questionable content on my website. I operate a small classified ads site, so the majority of my content is free ads.
The Googlebot found an ad with some hidden text (text using the same color as my site) on the site.
Keyword Density Analyzer
Here's a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool you can use to analyze the keyword density in any web page. It measures the ratio of keyword or keyphrase to the total number of words on a page. This is an important aspect for SEO. One to seven percent is considered to be good.
2Which way is this silhouette rotating?
Which way is this silhouette rotating? I've been told it's an optical illusion and it's always moving clockwise.
I was also told if you see it counterclockwise, you're more scientific; otherwise, you're more artistic/creative.
Most of the time I see the silhouette moving counterclockwise.
Validate your feed
Many of us share our data via XML feeds. However, I encountered many times when I couldn't ingest a feed because it was riddled with errors. is a site that allows you to validate a feed before sending it live.
Determine Backlinks and Anchor Text Pointing to Website or Blog
Have you ever wondered how many sites were linking to your website or blog and then what anchor text was being used? I was checking FreeAdLists and discovered the anchor text was primarily referencing "forums." That's not exactly what I was expecting or wanting.
7Next Generation of Mobile Computers -- MiniTablets
I found this interesting post by Michael Beck (digitalnomad) of Rugged Notebooks.
Military and industrial interests are always looking for ways to leverage technology, and these mini-tablets might be the answer.
66 different ways to build links
As you know, it's very important to link your website to other relevant websites. Here is Brandon Hopkin's 66 ways to build links in 2007. It's a short guide on link building.
8Ironic Presidential History -- Kennedy and Lincoln
Something I received in an email...
History Lesson
Have a history teacher explain this-----if they can.
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F.